{% if dlg %} {% set opener = "window.dialogArguments.win" %} {% else %} {% set opener = "opener" %} {% endif %} {{ 'thesaurus:: accepter...' | trans }} {##} {% if not cterm_found %}

{{ 'thesaurus:: removed_src' | trans }}

{{ 'thesaurus:: refresh' | trans }}

{% else %} {% if not term_found %}

{{ 'thesaurus:: removed tgt' | trans }}

{{ 'thesaurus:: refresh' | trans }}

{% else %} {% if acceptable %}

{% if nts == 0 %} {{ 'thesaurus:: Accepter le terme comme' | trans }}

{{ fullpath_src | raw }}

{{ 'thesaurus:: comme terme specifique' | trans }}

{% set fullpath_tgt_raw = fullpath_tgt | raw %} {% trans with {'%fullpath_tgt_raw%' : fullpath_tgt_raw} %}thesaurus:: comme synonyme de %fullpath_tgt_raw%{% endtrans %}
{% else %}

{{ fullpath_src | raw }}

{{ 'thesaurus:: Accepter la branche comme' | trans }}  {{ 'thesaurus:: comme terme specifique' | trans }}

{{ fullpath_tgt | raw }}

{% endif %}

{% else %}

{% trans with {'%cfield%' : cfield} %}thesaurus:: A cet emplacement du thesaurus , un candidat du champ %cfield% ne peut etre accepte{% endtrans %}

{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}