{{ "Les parametres oauth de votre application." | trans }}
{% if application.getType() == constant("DESKTOP_TYPE", application) %} {% else %} {%endif%} {% if application.getType() == constant("WEB_TYPE", application) %} {% endif %}Client ID | {{ application.getClientId() }} | |
Client Secret | {{ application.getClientSecret() }} | |
{{ "URL de callback" | trans }} | {{ application.getRedirectUri() }} | {{ application.getRedirectUri() }} |
Authorize endpoint | {{ app["conf"].get("servername") }}api/oauthv2/authorize | |
Access endpoint | {{ app["conf"].get("servername") }}api/oauthv2/token | |
{{ "Activer le grant_type de type password pour votre application" | trans }} | ||
{{ "Define a webhook URL" | trans }}
{{ "Gives the option to your application to communicate with Phraseanet. This webhook can be used to trigger some actions on your application side." | trans }} |
{{ application.getWebhookUrl() }} |
{{ "Les paramétres oauth de votre application." | trans }}
{{ "Token" | trans }} | {% if not token is none %} {{ token.getOauthToken()|default("") }} {% else %} {{ "Le token n\'a pas encore ete genere" | trans }} {% endif %} {{ "boutton::generer" | trans }} |