{% if record.story %}
- {{ 'Story_id' | trans }}
- {{ record.recordId }}
{% else %}
- {{ 'Record_id' | trans }}
- {{ record.recordId }}
{% endif %}
{% if not record.story %}
{% block td_original_name %}
- {{ 'Nom Original' | trans }}
- {{ record.originalName }}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_mime %}
- {{ 'Mime type' | trans }}
- {{ record.mimeType }}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_weight %}
{% set size = record.getSize()/1024.0 %}
{% set unit = "Ko" %}
{% if size > 1000 %}
{% set size = size/1024.0 %}
{% set unit = "Mo" %}
{% endif %}
{% if size > 1000 %}
{% set size = size/1024.0 %}
{% set unit = "Go" %}
{% endif %}
- Weight
- {{ record.getSize() }} ({{ size|round(2) }} {{ unit }})
{% endblock %}
{% block td_size %}
{% if record.getWidth() and record.getHeight() %}
{% set width = record.getWidth() %}
{% set height = record.getHeight() %}
{% if width is not none and height is not none %}
- {{ 'Size' | trans }}
- {{ width }} x {{ height }}
{% if record.getType() == 'image' %}
{% set size_w = width * 2.54 %}
{% set size_h = height * 2.54 %}
{{ (size_w/300)|round(1) }} x {{ (size_h/300)|round(1) }} cm (300 dpi)
{{ (size_w/72)|round(1) }} x {{ (size_h/72)|round(1) }} cm (72 dpi)
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_camera_model %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_CAMERAMODEL')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Camera Model' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_CAMERAMODEL')] }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_color_space %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_COLORSPACE')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Color space' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_COLORSPACE')] }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_channels %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_CHANNELS')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Channels' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_CHANNELS')] }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_color_depth %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_COLORDEPTH')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Color Depth' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_COLORDEPTH')] }} bits
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_iso_sensibility %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_ISO')] is defined %}
- {{ 'ISO sensibility' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_ISO')] }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_flash %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_FLASHFIRED')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Flash' | trans }}
- {% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_FLASHFIRED')] %}
{{ 'yes' | trans }}
{% else %}
{{ 'no' | trans }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_shutter_speed %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_SHUTTERSPEED')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Shutter speed' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_SHUTTERSPEED')] }} s.
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_apeture %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_APERTURE')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Aperture' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_APERTURE')] | round(2) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_focal_length %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_FOCALLENGTH')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Focal length' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_FOCALLENGTH')] }} mm
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_hyperfocal_distance %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_HYPERFOCALDISTANCE')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Hyperfocal distance' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_HYPERFOCALDISTANCE')] | round(2) }} mm
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_light_value %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_LIGHTVALUE')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Light Value' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_LIGHTVALUE')] | round(2) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_duration %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_DURATION')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Duree' | trans }} :
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_DURATION')]|formatDuration }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_framerate %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_FRAMERATE')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Images par secondes' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_FRAMERATE')] | round(2) }} ips
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_codec_audio %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_AUDIOCODEC')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Codec Audio' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_AUDIOCODEC')] }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_codec_video %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_VIDEOCODEC')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Codec Video' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_VIDEOCODEC')] }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block td_audio_rate %}
{% if record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_AUDIOSAMPLERATE')] is defined %}
- {{ 'Frequence d\'echantillonage' | trans }}
- {{ record.exif[constant('media_subdef::TC_DATA_AUDIOSAMPLERATE')] | round(2) }} kHz
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}