{% if reloadTree %} {% endif %} {% if app['request'].query.get('success') == '1' %}
× {{ 'Successful update' | trans }}
{% elseif app['request'].query.get('success') == '0' %}
× {{ 'An error occured' | trans }} {% if error_msg is not none %} {{ error_msg }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if app['request'].query.get('notice') == 'restart' %}
× {{ 'Do not forget to restart the tasks scheduler' | trans }}
{% endif %}

Bases actuelles :

{% if app.getAclForUser(app.getAuthenticatedUser()).is_admin() %}

{{ 'admin::base: Version' | trans }}

{% if not app['phraseanet.configuration-tester'].isUpToDate() %}

{{ 'update::Votre application necessite une mise a jour vers :' | trans }} {{ app['phraseanet.version'].getNumber() }}

{% else %}

{{ 'update::Votre version est a jour :' | trans }} {{ app['phraseanet.version'].getNumber() }}

{% endif %} {% if advices | length > 0 %} {{ 'Propositions de modifications des tables' | trans }} {% for advice in advices %}
{{ advice['sql'] }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %}

{{ 'admin::base: creer une base' | trans }}

{{ 'admin::base: Monter une base' | trans }}

{% endif %}