{% extends "account/base.html.twig" %} {% block title %} {{ "Granted bases" | trans }} {% endblock %} {% set selected = "access" %} {% block content_account %}
{% for sbasId, baseInfo in inscriptions if baseInfo["display"]%} {% set sbasName = sbasId | sbas_labels(app) %}

{{ sbasName }}

{% if attribute(baseInfo["cgu"], app['locale']) is defined %} {% set TOU = attribute(baseInfo["cgu"], app['locale']) %} {% if(TOU['value'] != '') %}

{{ "Access to the above bases constitutes acceptance of the following Terms of Use (TOU)." | trans }}

{{ TOU['value']|raw }}
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% for baseId, collInfo in baseInfo["collections"] %} {% set type = collInfo['type'] %} {% if type == 'inactive' and collInfo['can-register'] %} {% set type = 'registrable' %} {% endif %} {% set show = false %} {% if type == 'active' or type == 'registrable' or type == 'in-time' or type == 'out-dated' or type == 'pending' or type == 'rejected' or type == 'accepted' %} {% set show = true %} {% endif %} {% if show == true %}
{{ collInfo["coll-name"] }}
{% if type == 'registrable' %} {% else %} {% endif %}
+ {% if type == 'active' %} {{ "registration:collection.active" | trans }} {% elseif type == 'registrable' %} {{ "registration:collection.registrable" | trans }} {% elseif type == 'in-time' %} {{ "registration:collection.in-time" | trans }} {% elseif type == 'out-dated' %} {{ "registration:collection.out-dated" | trans }} {% elseif type == 'pending' %} {{ "registration:collection.pending" | trans }} {% elseif type == 'rejected' %} {{ "registration:collection.rejected" | trans }} {% elseif type == 'accepted' %} {{ "registration:collection.accepted" | trans }} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}